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Advancement Board

Advancement Board Member Info

Thank you for being a KU Advancement Board member! Whether you just joined the Board or are here to update your information after a long history of service, we thank you for your commitment to the academic medical center.

If you’re updating your information and want to reference how you are currently listed on our online Member Directory, please click here. If you’re new here – welcome! Your headshot and company/organization name will be added to this online directory. The other information you provide will be included in Board Member-only directories and will help Advancement Board staff know how to best communicate with you. If you have questions, please contact Lydia Allen, Advancement Board Director, at [email protected] or (913) 562-2722.

For More Info

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 Support your passion by making a gift that impacts the lives of students, faculty, patients, and researchers for generations to come. On their behalf, we thank you for your generosity.