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Other Giving Options

Send it by mail

When making a gift by check, please remember to include a gift card or indicate your gift’s purpose on the memo line. Checks should be payable to KU Endowment and mailed to:

Gift Processing Department
KU Endowment
PO Box 928
Lawrence, KS 66044-0928

Give us a ring

Call 785-830-7576 to provide your credit card information over the phone. When you call, you’ll hear a real-live human voice on the other end, we promise.

Electronic funds transfer

Set up an electronic funds transfer. Just download and complete this form, sign and mail it to the address above.

Wire transfer

Donate via wire transfer. Please contact Stacy Nuss about your wire transfer at 785-832-7419 or email for additional information.

Make A

 Support your passion by making a gift that impacts the lives of students, faculty, patients, and researchers for generations to come. On their behalf, we thank you for your generosity.

You’re invited to help us create a future where students have uncommon educational experiences, researchers make life-affirming discoveries, and together, we change the world for the better. Ever Onward we go into a future of infinite possibilities.