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Foundation makes $150,000 gift for KU School of Medicine-Salina

November 11, 2011
A new University of Kansas scholarship honors longtime Hoxie physician John Rapp Neuenschwander, and his wife, Gloria. Dr. Neuenschwander practiced medicine in Hoxie from 1952 until his retirement in 2000.

David Lowenthal and his wife, Barbara, of Lawrence, and other donors, established the scholarship for KU students from Gove, Graham, Sheridan and Thomas counties. The inaugural recipient is Tera Raymond, a freshman from Colby, Kan.

“Our longtime association with the Neuenschwander family, coupled with Dr. John’s impact on the Kansas counties he served for so many years, led us to establish an endowed scholarship in his name,” said David Lowenthal. “We could think of no better way to honor his legacy of service than through a scholarship created to support students from the area.”

Though John and Gloria Neuenschwander did not attend KU, they developed strong ties to the university, in part through Dr. Neuenschwander’s 44-year participation in the KU School of Medicine’s rural preceptorship program. Through this program, fourth-year medical students spend four weeks working with a physician in rural Kansas.

The Neuenschwanders’ ties to KU were further strengthened by their five children, all of whom are KU graduates.

“Gloria and I greatly appreciate this unexpected honor and wish to thank the Lowenthals and all who have participated in establishing this fund,” said Dr. Neuenschwander. “Given my years serving this community through my practice, we are delighted that this scholarship will help make it possible for students from this area to pursue a degree from the University of Kansas.”

The endowed scholarship will benefit in perpetuity students from the four-county area near Hoxie, and it honors a physician who dedicated his longtime medical career to helping his patients and their families. Anyone wishing to provide support to augment the scholarship fund may do so by contacting Jerome Davies, senior vice president of development for KU Endowment, 785-832-7460, or [email protected].

The gift will be part of Far Above: The Campaign for Kansas, a comprehensive campaign scheduled to have a public kick-off in April 2012.

The fund is managed by KU Endowment, the independent, nonprofit organization serving as the official fundraising and fund-management organization for KU. Founded in 1891, KU Endowment was the first foundation of its kind at a U.S. public university.

Posted on
November 11, 2011
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