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History in the making

February 15, 2023

In 1863, the community rallied together on a promise of $15,000 and 40 acres of land to secure Lawrence, Kansas, as the home for the University of Kansas. By one vote, the legislature selected the university’s permanent home, and the power of one was unleashed.

Today, we harness the idea that when people come together, we can make a transformative impact. This year’s One Day. One KU. theme—EveryONE Counts—celebrates the power of one person’s ability to make a difference.

Since 2018, KU’s annual 24-hour giving day, One Day. One KU., has raised more than $10 million. These donations support all five KU campuses: Lawrence, the Edwards campus in Overland Park, and medical branches in Kansas City, Wichita, and Salina, along with the University of Kansas Health System. The idea for an all-campus giving day began with the hope of creating a day centered around worldwide support of KU’s mission.

The first giving day raised more than $730,000 through 1,896 gifts. This first year lit the fire beneath Jayhawks as they witnessed the impact KU’s vast community coming together for one day could create for the university. The 2018 giving day marked the beginning of a new tradition and the start of lives changing on campus because of supporters’ generosity.

As word spread about the second One Day. One KU., the Jayhawk community came together and raised more than $1 million through 2,635 gifts. KU felt the flood of support as different units began initiatives to help give students unimaginable experiences.

Join us for KU’s most transformative giving day, One Day. One KU., on February 16, 2023.

The following year, 2020, saw similar success through 3,239 gifts totaling nearly $1.8 million. Jayhawks and their pets were involved in a photo contest that allowed winners to donate to areas of their choosing. Through the snowy Kansas weather and changing state of the world, Jayhawks banded together to support their community and uplift the next generation of donors and students.

In 2021, One Day, One KU. yielded a record-setting day of donations with 5,412 gifts, totaling $3.4 million. The online Jayhawk community spread the word to make this a day that inspired and changed lives.

The fifth year of One Day. One KU., closely mirrored giving from the previous year with 4,790 gifts totaling $3 million. Celebrating five years of giving inspired Jayhawks to tell their stories about why they give and how gifts have impacted students across KU campuses. The numbers show the commitment from Jayhawks around the world, but the stories are what have made the last five years of giving successful.

One historic decision changed the trajectory of KU, the same way one donation can help enhance the KU experience for thousands. In the last five years, the Jayhawk community has made history of its own through its generous philanthropy. Join us on the 6th Annual One Day. One KU., to ensure EveryONE Counts.

– Pamela Urlacher

KU Endowment is the independent, nonprofit organization serving as the official fundraising and fund-management organization for KU. Founded in 1891, KU Endowment was the first foundation of its kind at a U.S. public university.

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February 15, 2023
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