KU Giving Magazine
Why I Give – Spring 2020
“The University of Kansas School of Law and its graduates have been instruments of change in our society for generations. Today — for the School of Law, for the university, for our state and for our nation — diversity and inclusion are critical goals. We are excited to provide a center dedicated to achieving them.”
Dru Mort Sampson, J.D. 1996, and Bill Sampson, bachelor’s in history 1968, J.D. 1971, Lawrence, Kan.
Gift to establish the Dru Mort Sampson Center for Diversity and Inclusion at KU Law
“Education is a priority for us. Julie and I understand the importance of support, of helping encourage people and helping to defray some of the costs of medical school. Somebody did it for us, and so now we do it for the students who are coming through.”
Scott Smiley, M.D. 2000, Medical Fellowship 2004, and Julie Smiley, Emporia, Kan.
Gifts to support the Internal Medicine Department, residents and student scholarships at the KU School of Medicine-Wichita
“KU’s Summer Language Institute in France was a life-changing experience for this Kansan. While advancing my French, it introduced me to new cultures and contributed greatly to my future career. I established this scholarship to enable more KU students to open eyes and doors to the world.”
Pamela Bayless, bachelor’s in French and art history 1967, New York, N.Y.
Gift to establish the Pamela J. Bayless Study Abroad Scholarship
“The strength of the architectural engineering program was that it always combined theory with the real world. Dr. Tom Glavinich was the embodiment of that. He really loved what he did, and that came through. We hope this encourages somebody to go into power systems, but we also want to help students — tuition has increased quite a bit since we were in school.”
Brian Burke, bachelor’s in engineering 1992, and Helen Burke, bachelor’s in architecture 1994, New York, NY.
Gift to establish the Tom Glavinich Memorial Scholarship
“Wint and I talked often about the many wonderful professors who broadened our worldview and gave us the confidence to overcome life’s challenges. And of course, the many cherished friendships we made while at KU have enriched our lives.”
Nancy Winter, alumna 1954, and in honor of the late Wint Winter, bachelor’s in business 1952, J.D. 1956, Olathe, Kan.
Gifts to the Winter Family Scholarship, Kansas Athletics and the KU Chapter of Pi Beta Phi
“My gift to the law school is a small way of trying to give back, particularly to those who trained me when I didn’t know the first thing about law, and who left a lifetime impression on me. When I was in law school, I had the advantage of an incredibly strong faculty. The professors’ offices in old Green Hall were small, but the doors were always open.”
Christopher “Kit” Smith, J.D. 1972, and Diana Smith, Evergreen, Colo.
Gift to establish a fund at KU Law in honor of Michael Davis, a professor emeritus and former dean
“When I was diagnosed with Stage IV salivary gland cancer in April 2013, Peg and I knew we needed to provide whatever assistance we could to support research to combat this disease. Subsequently, Peg was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2019, and we wanted to support research for that disease, as well. It is important for us as individuals to do whatever possible to try and make life easier for those who will follow, and the important research being conducted at KU Medical Center is critical to that mission.”
Douglas and Peggy Himebaugh, Lenexa, Kan.
Gift commitment to the Head and Neck Cancer Research Fund and the Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Research Fund