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JayDoc Free Clinic serves the community

February 14, 2023

The JayDoc Free Clinic is a student- and volunteer-led medical clinic at the University of Kansas Medical Center that serves underinsured and uninsured members of the Kansas City and Wichita communities. Since its opening in 2003, the clinic has grown to serve thousands of individuals offering free health care and specialized treatments. Without donor support, the JayDoc Clinic would not be able to operate and provide the care it does for the community.

In 2022, donations from One Day. One KU., KU’s 24 hour giving day, allowed for the Kansas City JayDoc Clinic to host a specialty service night, focused on Cardiology. Since starting Cardiology Night in October, more than 17 patients have been seen. It opened the doors to free health care for patients with heart failure who otherwise would be unable to receive medical attention. Contributions made to the JayDoc clinic, such as donations for in-house labs, have allowed people in need to receive their diagnoses when they visit the clinic. In 2022, JayDoc had more than 1,000 patients, including 595 new visitors to the clinic.

The addition of a new EKG machine for Cardiology Night has allowed for patients to receive an EKG reading the same night they attend. One Cardiology Night patient is homeless which could create communication issues for follow-up. The addition of a new EKG machine and in-house labs lets patients know their results in the clinic.

Join us for KU’s most transformative giving day, One Day. One KU., on February 16, 2023.

Outside of Cardiology Night, donor funds have allowed for families to receive necessary medical care. One family had been struggling to find answers about the possibility of carrying a rare congenital disease. After trying and being turned away by multiple other health care systems, they went to the JayDoc Clinic in hopes of finding answers. The clinic was able to run the tests and help this family overcome the medical obstacles standing in their way. Without the JayDoc Clinic, families and people facing barriers to health-related services would not be able to find the care they deserve.

Students gain first-hand medical experience working with patients at the clinic. Because of donations, they are given the opportunity to expand their professional knowledge and prepare for their careers.

“These stories and many more like them make what we’re doing worthwhile,” said Maggie Malmberg, a second-year medical student and JayDoc Clinic volunteer. “I’m so thankful people financially support Jayhawks, so we are able to help people in our communities,”

– Pamela Urlacher

KU Endowment is the independent, nonprofit organization serving as the official fundraising and fund-management organization for KU. Founded in 1891, KU Endowment was the first foundation of its kind at a U.S. public university.

Posted on
February 14, 2023
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